This Human Life

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This Human Life

I wonder about the passing of time

What is it like when you’re older?

Does it get colder?

Would you like to tell me sometime?


Looking back on life must be crazy

What is the narrative inside?

Is it filled with pain, love, guilt, or pride?

No matter what, here you are, you’re alive


A year older means another year on this Earth

So much has happened since your birth

More life to live, more love to give

So here’s to another year on Earth


What about vulnerability?

Youth feels like invincibility

What about when I turn sixty?

What about my responsibility?


And maybe all these questions don’t make sense

I sure don’t have any answer

But I want to be a dancer

Dancing with my dreams, head up high


A year older means another year on this Earth

So much has happened since your birth

More life to live, more love to give

So here’s to another year on Earth


A year older means another year on this Earth

So much has happened since your birth

More life to live, more love to give

So here’s to another year on Earth

Yeah, here’s to another year on Earth

Now, here’s to another year on Earth


What a life, this human life

What a life, this human life

What a life, here in the light

What a life, this human life

